
Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

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Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

If you are one of the thousands of people who want to move to the country and grow a lot of peaches (or cattle or berries or alfalfa), you are a lot like me. Five or six years ago, owning a farm seemed like an impossible dream. However, with a bit of a push from some good friends, I decided to dive in. My husband and I bought a small plot of land, and we never looked back. Now, our hobby farm is successful both as a hobby and as a money-making pursuit. I decided to create this blog to help people who don't have friends cheering them on like we did. In this blog, I am going to cover every aspect of hobby farming from planting seeds to buying land to choosing the right insurance and more. Before you know it, you should have the farming knowledge you need!



Questions To Help You Select Your Sod

There are multiple ways that you can get a great lawn. One is to seed your lawn. Another is to apply sod.  

Sod allows you to have an instantaneous green lawn as soon as the product is applied. Still, you may not know how to select the best sod for your landscape. Here are a few questions and answers to help you make a great selection:

Is the sod healthy?

Before having sod delivered to your home, you will need to ensure that the turf is healthy. The healthiest sod will have a green color that is uniform throughout the turf. In addition, the soil at the base of the sod should be moist. Also, the sod grass should be thick instead of sparse or thin.

Additionally, the sod should be relatively mature. Thus, the grass should already be a couple of inches high. It is also important for the root system of the turf to look healthy and moist. The roots will need to remain intact so that they can connect well to the soil once it is installed on your property.

Is the sod compatible with your geographic region?

Some grasses grow better in various regions of the country. It is important to choose a sod that can adapt well to your property, so consider asking the nursery attendant about the popularity of your sod choice in your area.

Is the sod certified?

Sod certification helps ensure that the grass that you purchase is pure. If the turf is contaminated with weeds and other types of grasses, your new lawn may begin to look less attractive over time.  

Was the sod grown in soil that is similar to the soil of your property?

By choosing sod that was grown in soil that mimics that of your property, you can help ensure that your turf will assimilate more readily with the soil on your property.

How long ago was the turf harvested?

It is best not to wait for days to install sod that has already been harvested. A long delay can cause the sod to dehydrate and may make it less likely to adjust to its new location. Thus, it is best to have already prepared your soil to receive your new sod at the time of your purchase. That way, it can be installed as soon as the sod is delivered.

To find the best sod for your property, visit a nursery or sod delivery outlet (such as B & B Hoffman Sod Farms) in your area.