
Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

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Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

If you are one of the thousands of people who want to move to the country and grow a lot of peaches (or cattle or berries or alfalfa), you are a lot like me. Five or six years ago, owning a farm seemed like an impossible dream. However, with a bit of a push from some good friends, I decided to dive in. My husband and I bought a small plot of land, and we never looked back. Now, our hobby farm is successful both as a hobby and as a money-making pursuit. I decided to create this blog to help people who don't have friends cheering them on like we did. In this blog, I am going to cover every aspect of hobby farming from planting seeds to buying land to choosing the right insurance and more. Before you know it, you should have the farming knowledge you need!



How To Attract More Deer To Your Yard

Many people move to rural or suburban landscapes in order to get closer to nature. The way you maintain your yard can either deter the deer population from entering your property, or it can roll out the welcome mat for deer in your area.

Here are three things you can do when caring for your lawn that will help attract more deer to your yard in the future.

1. Plant taller grasses around the perimeter of your yard.

Deer are wild creatures that have been conditioned to seek cover when interacting with human beings. If your yard is nothing but an open space, deer may be too frightened to come onto your property. You can reassure even the most timid deer that they will be safe in your yard by planting taller grasses around the perimeter of your property. These taller grasses provide cover for deer to escape into when they feel threatened, and will make your yard a more appealing environment.

Some great grass varieties to consider planting along your yard's perimeter include Giant Silvergrass, which can grow up to 15 feet tall, and Ravenna Grass, which grows to a height between 10 and 15 feet.

2. Refrain from mowing your lawn frequently.

Deer, especially does with young fawns, feel more secure in areas where they can hide themselves and their young in dense foliage. If you keep the grass in your yard mowed on a frequent basis, you can eliminate some of the cover does will use to hide their fawns.

Mowing less is a simple, yet effective way to attract more deer onto your property. Be sure that you are reducing the number of mowings when it comes to maintaining your lawn, and you will be able to enjoy deer throughout the warmer months.

3. Add some patches of clover into your lawn.

Providing a food source for the deer population in your area can draw more wildlife onto your property. Since deer enjoy eating many different kinds of clover, incorporating some patches of clover into your lawn can be a great way to get more deer in your yard.

Regal Ladino flourishes when planted in a soil with a lot of clay, and Oscelola Ladino does best in loamy soil. Be sure that you are planting a variety of clover that will thrive in your area.

Attracting more deer to your yard through lawn care can be simple. Add more tall grasses to the perimeter of your yard, reduce the number of times you mow, and incorporate clover into your lawn to attract deer in the future.